This series is part of a project ¨Factum¨ that deals with time and memory.

We see a set of images that are the representation of the narration of a past event. Each photo is a fragment of the past stored in memory. The words of this narrative are images that are related through a discourse, unfolding in lines that form a story.  Some works are blurred, others are insinuated as happens with the images we treasure in memory, even, in some cases we take images of other stories that were narrated by people close to us, however, with them we form the story of our past.

“I see in the plots that we invent the privileged means by which we re-configure our confused, formless and, in limit, mute temporal experience¨.

The particularity of this plot is that it is made of images, as Milan Kundera tells us: “Memory does not keep films, it keeps photographs”.

Bichromated gum and cyanotype with tea, old development techniques. The paper is painted with a UV photosensitive emulsion, previously made the negative on graphic film. In this case, the cyanotypes are tacked with tea, giving the image a particular tonality that adds more strangeness.