Acervo tectónico belongs to the Factum series.
Factum is a fact that needs no demonstration.
Our factum is that we arrived in this world without asking for it, in a certain time, in a certain space, surrounded by certain people, in certain historical circumstances. We can respond to this in different ways, but it is a fact that we cannot change, unchosen, real, objective, with which we have to live and decipher its mysteries.
As Milan Kundera says, “memory does not keep films, it keeps photographs”. These photographs taken of the events that we experience, silently, and unconsciously, are accommodated in our memory.
Acervo Tectónico represents the way in which all the emotional images pile up in our memory generating an emotional collection of images, to which we resort to decipher the mysteries of our past making it present in a narrative. As we live, our memory stores the images that we voluntarily want to remember or that involuntarily accumulate in our unconscious reservoir of emotional images.
Tectonics is a branch of geology that studies the earth’s crust,
explains the origin and structure of the major landforms and their movements. This tectonic term is also used in architecture to explain the structures that are apparently unbalanced, but have a balance in themselves that sustains them.
The emotional images that form the memory have an analogy with the term tectonic, are intrinsically linked to the origin, to the factum of a person and are moving generating changes in the way of standing in the world, in turn has this internal balance, with unstable appearance, which is self-sustaining, it is dynamic because these images are there to be chosen in the formation of personal narrative.
Tectonic is made in the cyanotype technique that brings this strangeness of no time.